Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does the report contain market data on country X?

Our reports contain global market data on a regional level. Country-level data is available in selected market reports. Please contact our sales representatives in order to get more information on availability at sales(at)

Can I get a discount?

We provide discounts for small companies, start-ups, non-profit organizations, or academic institutions.

What is the price of the report?

Prices for individual reports start from $2,000 for the Single User License, $2,500 for the Team User License, and $4,000 for the Enterprise Premium License. Prices may vary due to topic and scope of the report.

Can I purchase the reports without a subscription?

Yes, you may purchase individual reports with a one-time payment. No subscription is required. Please note that some reports are not available for individual purchases.

How long do I need to wait until I get access to the reports?

We usually send you the report files or account credentials within 24 hours after the order has been processed. For orders containing the creation of multiple accounts, please allow us up to 72 hours to set up your account.

Where do I find my purchased reports?

If you purchased a subscription, then you will find the reports in your download area here: .

If you purchased an individual report package, then you will receive an email with download links to the files.

My account and subscription

My company is an active subscriber. How do I get access to your reports?

Please reach out to sales(at) with your associated working email. We will grant create your access based on that information. You will then receive an email with your login credentials.

I am missing report X in my download area.

We apologize for that inconvenience. Please reach out to your main point of contact. We will verify and fix the issue with the highest priority.

Can I talk to your analyst?

Please send inquiry to sales(at) We will get back to you as soon as possible.

For existing customers:
If you want to schedule a call with our analyst as part of your purchased license (only applies to Enterprise Premium Licenses), then please send a message to your main point of contact.

I have forgotten/lost my password. Where can I get reset my password?

You can use this link:

I reset my account password but haven’t received an email.

Please reach out to your main point of contact and we will initiate the password reset process manually.

General questions

Are you accepting guest posts?

Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, we do not accept guest post at this point.