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IoT 2024 in review: The 10 most relevant IoT developments of the year
As we kick off 2025, the IoT Analytics team has again evaluated last year’s main IoT developments in the global “Internet of Things” arena. This article highlights some general observations and our top 10 IoT stories from 2024, a year characterized by a challenging macroeconomic environment and...
AI 2024 in review: The 10 most notable AI stories of the year
As we kick off 2025, the IoT Analytics research team has evaluated last year’s top AI stories. This article highlights 10 of the most impactful developments as well as some general observations and developments in the field of AI in 2024. Since 2015, IoT Analytics has published an annual review of...
What CEOs talked about in Q4 2024: Tariffs, reshoring, and agentic AI
In short According to the latest “What CEOs talked about” report, three themes gained noticeable traction in Q4 2024: 1) tariffs, 2) reshoring, and 3) agentic AI. Discussions regarding AI continued to decline; however, agentic AI significantly climbed in mentions. Despite recent catastrophic...
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