Internet of Things public companies database 2015
The Internet of Things public companies database 2015 is a structured repository of 340+ companies that are selling Internet of Things enabled products, play a vital part in the IoT technology infrastructure, or act as an enabler to the Internet of Things development. All of these companies are publicly listed on some stock exchange.
- 47% of the companies are in North America, 27% in Europe, 25% in Asia and 1% in RoW
- 140+ of the companies market their own IoT-enabled devices, 100+ of the companies manufacture hardware components (semiconductors, sensors, or communication hardware), and 70+ companies provide software (analytics, storage, IoT platforms)
- 55+ of the companies are active in smart home / home automation, 30+ in Wearables, 40+ in Connected cars, 20+ in Industrial, 20+ in Smart Cities, and 20+ in Connected Health. The majority of the companies does not have a specific vertical focus.
The Internet of Things public companies database is specifically suited for the following topics:
- Investment opportunity search for private investors (Long-list generation, quick overview, evaluation of IoT segment or IoT technology specific stock performance)
- Investment opportunity search for corporate investors (Long-list generation, quick overview, evaluation of IoT segment or IoT technology specific stock performance)
The list of public companies is structured along the following dimensions:
- General information (company name, description, type and location)
- Technology focus (Semiconductors, Sensors, Operating Systems, Analytics, Platform, Database, etc.)
- Segment focus (Home, Lifestyle, Health, Mobility, Retail, Energy, Smart City, Industrial, etc.)
- Enablement focus (Funding, Technology research, market research, distribution, consulting, incubation, etc.)
- Further information (Founding date – only partially available, total funding – only partially available, ticker symbol, further comments, etc.)
In our view, this Internet of Things public companies list represents the most comprehensive and structured database of public IoT companies on the market. All companies were double-checked and verified. However, this list does not claim to be complete.