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Global Cloud Projects Report and Database 2024

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A structured repository of 8,374 projects from five of the largest cloud vendors, accompanied by a 188-page report analyzing customer implementations, including a deep dive into IoT and GenAI cloud projects.
Document type: PDF, XLSX, PPTX
Published: October 2024
Main author: Dimitris Paraskevopoulos
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About the database

The Global Cloud Projects Report and Database 2024 is a structured repository of 8,374 projects from five of the largest cloud vendors (Microsoft, AWS, Google, Oracle, Alibaba).
All projects in the list represent public information and have been published on the respective vendor’s website (as of June 2024). In order for a project to be included in the list, it needs to include either a public cloud IaaS or cloud PaaS service from one of the five vendors. The list has 40,677 total entries as every individual cloud service for every project is listed. Accompanying the database is a 188-page report analyzing 8,000 customer implementations of the largest cloud vendors, including a deep dive into IoT cloud projects.

A fifth of the cloud case studies that were uploaded in the vendor’s websites in the past year have an AI element, with Google taking the highest relative AI share. A third of these are Generative AI case studies and of those ones, Microsoft has the highest share. The surge of AI can be seen by the products that grew the most in the past year (mentions in case studies) which are Amazon SageMaker, Azure OpenAI Service, and Google Vertex AI for AWS, Microsoft, and Google respectively.

Table of Contents

Global Cloud Projects Report and Database 2024 (PDF)

  1. Executive summary
  2. Introduction
    1. Starting point: The “cloud” remains important
    2. The cloud market (hyperscalers only) reached $XX in 2023—XX leading
    3. What is the “cloud”—definition
    4. 6 Public cloud building blocks
    5. Each of the six building blocks consists of multiple elements
  3. About the report
    1. About this report: Analysis of 8,473 known customer stories of the leading five cloud providers
    2. About this report—methodology
    3. About this report—products that are in scope
    4. About this report: Extra analysis present in the Excel database
    5. Overview of included case studies (1/7): By company, region, and size
    6. Overview of included case studies (2/7): By industry
    7. Overview of included case studies (3/7): By manufacturing subsegment
    8. Overview of included case studies (4/7): By industry and region
    9. Overview of included case studies (5/7): By top 10 countries
    10. Overview of included case studies (6/7): By product type
    11. Overview of included case studies (7/7): By product sub-type
    12. 5 representative case studies in the Excel database: 1. Bosch (Microsoft)
    13. 5 representative case studies in the Excel database: 2. Toyota (AWS)
    14. 5 representative case studies in the Excel database: 3. ASML (Google)
    15. 5 representative case studies in the Excel database: 4. Siemens Mobility (Oracle)
    16. 5 representative case studies in the Excel database: 5. Genetic Plus (Alibaba)
  4. New case studies
    1. Chapter 4: New case studies – Overview and key takeaways
    2. Case studies included in this chapter
    3. New case studies overview (1/4): By vendor
    4. New case studies overview (2/4): By industry
    5. New case studies overview (3/4): By manufacturing subsegment
    6. New case studies overview (4/4): By region
    7. New AI case studies (1/2): Overview
    8. New AI case studies (2/2): GenAI overview
    9. New case studies by vendor (1/2): Industry overview
    10. New case studies by vendor (2/2): Regional overview
    11. Fastest growing products by vendor (1/3): AWS
    12. How is AWS marketing its highest growth products?
    13. Fastest growing products by vendor (2/3): Microsoft
    14. How is Microsoft marketing its highest growth products?
    15. Fastest growing products by vendor (3/3): Google
    16. How is Google marketing its highest growth products?
  5. Cloud vendor comparison
    1. Chapter 5: Cloud vendor comparison – Overview and key takeaways
    2. Cloud vendor overview: Main players have different customer footprints
    3. Regional vendor comparison (1/7): Overview
    4. Regional vendor comparison (2/7): By region
    5. Regional vendor comparison (3/7): By top 10 countries
    6. Regional vendor comparison (4/7): North America
    7. Regional vendor comparison (5/7): EMEA
    8. Regional vendor comparison (6/7): APAC
    9. Regional vendor comparison (7/7): South America
    10. Vendor comparison by industry served (1/5): Overview
    11. Vendor comparison by industry served (2/5): Key customers by industry
    12. Vendor comparison by industry served (3/5): Mfg. subsegments
    13. Vendor comparison by industry served (4/5): Manufacturing customers
    14. Vendor comparison by industry served (5/5): ICT subsegments
    15. Vendor comparison by customer size: Overview
    16. Vendor comparison by product type (1/2): Overview
    17. Vendor comparison by product type (2/2): By product sub-type
  6. Cloud products/services comparison
    1. Chapter 6: Cloud products/services comparison – Overview and key takeaways
    2. 20 most highlighted products across all case studies
    3. Five industries with the most case studies
    4. Industry deep dives (1/3): ICT & Manufacturing
    5. Industry deep dives (2/3): Finance & Retail
    6. Industry deep dives (3/3): Health
    7. Case studies by product type
    8. Product type deep dives (1/3): PaaS & IaaS
    9. Product type deep dives (2/3): Applications & Management
    10. Product type deep dives (3/3): Services & Runtime software
    11. Product sub-type distribution (1/3): PaaS
    12. Product sub-type distribution (2/3): IaaS & Applications
    13. Product sub-type distribution (3/3): Mgmt., Services, Runtime S/W
  7. Deep-dive: IoT
    1. Chapter 7: Deep-dive: IoT – Overview and key takeaways
    2. Deep dive IoT: Overview
    3. Deep dive IoT: Cloud vendor overview
    4. IoT products included in the case studies
    5. Breakdown of IoT case studies
    6. IoT case studies by industry
    7. Vendor IoT case study distribution (1/3): By region
    8. Vendor IoT case study distribution (2/3): By industry
    9. Vendor IoT case study distribution (3/3): By manufacturing segment
    10. Products that complement IoT* case studies
  8. Deep-dive: AI
    1. Chapter 8: Deep-dive: AI – Overview and key takeaways
    2. Deep dive AI: Overview
    3. Deep dive AI: Cloud vendor overview
    4. New AI case studies (1/3): By segment
    5. New AI case studies (2/3): By manufacturing subsegment
    6. New AI case studies (3/3): By vendor and industry
    7. AI/ML products included in the case studies
    8. Breakdown of AI case studies
    9. AI case studies by industry
    10. AI case studies by benefits
    11. Vendor AI case study distribution (1/3) by region
    12. Vendor AI case study distribution (2/3) by industry
    13. Vendor AI case study distribution (3/3) by manufacturing subsegment
    14. Products that complement AI case studies
    15. New Generative AI case studies (1/2): By segment
    16. New Generative AI case studies (2/2): By manufacturing subsegment
    17. Break-out: What are manufacturers doing with GenAI?
    18. Departments that benefit from GenAI case studies
    19. Key processes that are improved by GenAI case studies by department
    20. Where is GenAI used? – Heatmap of GenAI across 70 enterprise activities
  9. Deep-dive: Vendors
    1. Chapter 9: Deep-dive: Vendors – Overview and key takeaways
    2. Microsoft case studies by region and customer size
    3. Microsoft case studies by industry
    4. Microsoft case studies by manufacturing subsegment
    5. Case study regional distribution for the 10 largest industries
    6. Case study industry distribution in each region
    7. Product types in Microsoft case studies
    8. 15 most often used Microsoft products
    9. Product sub-type distribution (1/3): PaaS
    10. Product sub-type distribution (2/3): Applications & IaaS
    11. Product sub-type distribution (3/3): Management, services, and runtime
    12. AWS case studies by region and customer size
    13. AWS case studies by industry
    14. AWS case studies by manufacturing subsegment
    15. Case study regional distribution for the 10 largest industries
    16. Case study industry distribution in each region
    17. Product types in AWS case studies
    18. 15 most often used AWS products
    19. Product sub-type distribution (1/3): PaaS
    20. Product sub-type distribution (2/3): Applications & IaaS
    21. Product sub-type distribution (3/3): Management, services, and runtime
    22. Google case studies by region and customer size
    23. Google case studies by industry
    24. Google case studies by manufacturing subsegment
    25. Case study regional distribution for the 10 largest industries
    26. Case study industry distribution in each region
    27. Product types in Google case studies
    28. 15 most often used Google products
    29. Product sub-type distribution (1/3): PaaS
    30. Product sub-type distribution (2/3): Applications & IaaS
    31. Product sub-type distribution (3/3): Management, services, and runtime
    32. Oracle case studies by region and customer size
    33. Oracle case studies by industry
    34. Oracle case studies by manufacturing subsegment
    35. Case study regional distribution for the 10 largest industries
    36. Case study industry distribution in each region
    37. Product types in Oracle case studies
    38. 15 most often used Oracle products
    39. Product sub-type distribution (1/3): PaaS
    40. Product sub-type distribution (2/3): Applications & IaaS
    41. Product sub-type distribution (3/3): Management, services, and runtime
    42. Alibaba case studies by region and customer size
    43. Alibaba case studies by industry
    44. Alibaba case studies by manufacturing segment
    45. Case study regional distribution for the 10 largest industries
    46. Case study industry distribution in each region
    47. Product types in Alibaba case studies
    48. 15 most often used Alibaba products
    49. Product sub-type distribution (1/3): PaaS
    50. Product sub-type distribution (2/3): Applications & IaaS
    51. Product sub-type distribution (3/3): Management, services, and runtime
  10. Appendix
  11. About IoT Analytics


Dimitris Paraskevopoulos, Knud Lasse Lueth, Philipp Wegner

Questions answered

  • How do AWS, Microsoft, Google, Oracle, and Alibaba compare by country/region/industry/customer size?
  • How many case studies did each hyperscaler add in the past year and where (region/industry/size)?
  • How does this dataset compare to 2023? What are the most notable changes (services/industries/regions)?
  • How many AI and GenAI case studies were added in the past year? Which vendors are leading and which industries are featured the most?
  • Who are some of the key clients for each hyperscaler by industry?
  • Which cloud services are most often used and which cloud services are the fastest growing?
  • How many IoT projects is each vendor highlighting?
  • In which industries are IoT projects most prominent?
  • Which cloud products compliment (i.e., appear most often) the IoT projects?

Companies mentioned

A selection of companies mentioned in the report.






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