IIoT Platforms for Manufacturing 2019-2024 – Market Report
IoT Platforms are emerging as the central backbone for industrial infrastructure in manufacturing environments.
Industrial IoT Platforms are a piece of modular software technology that enable solutions for
- industrial IoT device connectivity
- industrial device management
- industrial data management in the cloud
- industrial application development and enablement, and
- advanced analytics for connected industrial IoT devices
This comprehensive report examines the industrial IoT platforms market for Manufacturing in detail including 57 charts and 22 tables as well as 18 data tables from the market model.
Read the corresponding blog post here.
Find out:
- How big the market is currently and how fast the market is growing
- How the market revenue is developing across 7 regions and 46 countries
- How the market revenue is developing in 21 sub-segments of Manufacturing
(e.g. including Manufacturing of Chemicals, Machinery, Transportation equipment, Fabricated metal, Primary metal, Nonmetallic Minerals, Food, Plastics & Rubber, Petroleum, Paper, Wood, Printing, Textiles, Computers & Electronics, Electrical Equipment & Appliances, Beverage & Tobacco, Apparel, Furniture, Leather, Miscellaneous, and Other) - How the market revenue is split between Discrete, Process & Batch Manufacturing
- How IoT Platforms solutions are being implemented today in Manufacturing environments (plus a list of 260+ real enterprise IoT projects for Manufacturing)
- The technology segmentation of 5 types of IIoT platforms for Manufacturing and their elements
- The perspective and needs of the end customers in the Manufacturing industry
- Which companies made the list of 150+ IIoT Platform Companies for Manufacturing
- What the current main trends are affecting the market
- The main barriers to adoption and much more…
Available pricing plans:
See Terms & Conditions for license details.
Single User License
Market Report Single User License- 1 Named user (in your organization within the country of purchase)
- Complete market report in PDF
- Market model data, 18 tables
- List of 260+ IIoT Projects for Manufacturing
- List of 150+ IIoT Platform Companies
- 1h discussion with the analyst team
Team User License
Market Report Team User License- 1-5 Named users (in your organization within the country of purchase)
- Complete market report in PDF
- Market model data, 18 tables
- List of 260+ IIoT Projects for Manufacturing
- List of 150+ IIoT Platform Companies
- 1h discussion with the analyst team
Enterprise Premium License
Market Report Enterprise Premium User License- Unlimited users (in your organization within the country of purchase)
- Complete market report in PDF
- Market model data, 18 tables
- List of 260+ IIoT Projects for Manufacturing
- List of 150+ IIoT Platform Companies
- 1h discussion with the analyst team
At a glance:
The IIoT Platforms for Manufacturing market continues to exhibit strong momentum as OEMs accelerate their transformation into IoT data-driven companies.
This momentum is driving strong growth in IIoT platform-related software and services for connected manufacturing solutions.
This report details how the IIoT platforms for manufacturing market is forecast to grow and become more than a $12.4B opportunity by 2024 with critical analysis and driving factors.
The report includes a breakdown of the IIoT Platforms for Manufacturing market for within factory environments versus outside factory environments to distinguish between standardized production environments (e.g., factories, plants) and custom production worksites (e.g., mines).
The IIoT platforms for manufacturing report focuses on within factory-based environments and provides a breakdown of discrete, process, and batch manufacturing.
The report breaks down the IoT platform for manufacturing market into 21 subsegments and also breaks down those subsegments into discrete, process, and batch manufacturing.
A further industry breakdown is provided with forecasts and growth rates to 2024 for the 21 sub-segments including Manufacturing of Chemicals, Machinery, Transportation equipment, Fabricated metal, Primary metal, Nonmetallic Minerals, Food, Plastics & Rubber, Petroleum, Paper, Wood, Printing, Textiles, Computers & Electronics, Electrical Equipment & Appliances, Beverage & Tobacco, Apparel, Furniture, Leather, Miscellaneous, and Other.
The IoT platforms for manufacturing market is broken down into 7 regions with growth estimates to 2024 for Asia, Europe, Middle East Africa, North America, Oceania, South America, and Rest of World. A country level breakdown is provided for each of the regions with individual growth rates – across 46 countries in total from around the world.
Questions answered in the IoT platforms market report:
Market focus:
- What is the current size of the IIoT platforms for Manufacturing market?
- How fast is the IIoT platforms for Manufacturing market growing?
- How much will the IIoT platforms for Manufacturing market be worth by 2024?
- Which subsegments are fueling adoption of IIoT platforms for Manufacturing?
- What is the IIoT platforms for Manufacturing market size for within factory environments versus outside factory environments?
- Is discrete, process or batch manufacturing the biggest user of IIoT platforms for Manufacturing?
- Which regions are driving growth of IIoT platforms for Manufacturing?
Customer focus:
- How do customers approach platform selection and evaluation?
- What are the most important customer needs?
Technology focus:
- What are the 5 types of IIoT platform for manufacturing?
- What are the major components that make up an IIoT platform?
- Which is the most common hosting environment of IIoT platforms for manufacturing?
- What are the most common application deployment architectures?
- What are the main security elements of the IIoT platform for manufacturing?
- What role does edge computing play in IIoT platforms for manufacturing?
- What is the role of a digital twin in IIoT platforms for manufacturing?
- What is the role of interoperability and standardization in IIoT platforms for manufacturing?
- What is the role of data analytics & AI in IIoT platforms for manufacturing?
- What is the role of industrial app stores for manufacturing?
- Which are the main challenges and barriers to adoption?
- Which use cases are enabled by IIoT platforms for manufacturing?
Selected companies from the IoT platforms market report:
Amazon AWS, Ayla Networks, Bosch, C3 IoT, Carriots, Cisco, Emerson, Evrythng, Fanuc, Foghorn, Fujitsu, GE, Google, Greenwave, Honeywell, Huawei, IBM, Microsoft, PTC, Relayr, Rockwell, Schneider Electric, SAP, Siemens, Software AG, Tencent, Uptake, Verizon, and hundreds more…
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