Technology Vendor News – Q2/2020

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Tech Vendor News - Q2 2020 - Cover thumb

50-page PDF presenting a comprehensive summary of insights assembled by the IoT Analytics analyst team at 12 virtual conferences in May, June, and July 2020.

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Technology Vendor News – Q2/2020: Latest coverage during Covid-19 times

The comprehensive summary of insights presented in this 50-page PDF are based on >40 individual sessions from 12 virtual conferences attended by 6 different members of the analyst team from May to July 2020 and was compiled exclusively for IoT Analytics’ subscription customers.

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This market report includes:

12 different virtual conference write-ups. The 12 events covered as part of this report are:

IoT Analytics -Tech Vendor News - Q2 2020 - Overview conferences

Most conference analysis is structured in the following fashion:

  • Key announcements (The main announcements made at the conference)
  • Covid-19 insights (All insights related to the current pandemic situation)
  • IoT insights (Additional insights with relevance for the Internet of Things)
  • Only in some cases: Additional related insights
IoT Analytics -Tech Vendor News - Q2 2020 - Slide format

Key announcements are highlighted in detail from each of the conferences (e.g., Microsoft)

IoT Analytics -Tech Vendor News - Q2 2020 - Microsoft 1

Covid-19 announcements are also highlighted in detail from each of the conferences (e.g., Microsoft):

IoT Analytics -Tech Vendor News - Q2 2020 - Microsoft Covid-19

Related reading:

IoT Analytics published a blog post on the “5 themes that dominated tech and IoT conferences in 2020” which is derived from the Technology Vendor News – Q2/2020 report.


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Additional information

Publication date

July 2020

License type

Available to Corporate IoT Analytics Research Subscribers only